Tip #1401 – dynaMACS File Transfer/Combine Wizard

The Mfg/Cst/Rep Transfer (1)screen has been modified to include a “wizard” button which when selected will help make the transfer process easier for you.

Old Screen . . .

Transfer Combine Screen - Old

New Screen . . .

Transfer Combine Screen - New

When selecting the Wizard button the File Transfer Wizard screen will open. This screen is designed to help ease you through the File Transfer/Combine process.

Wizard Screen


In the following example we will transfer all data from a customer to a new sales rep.

  1. From the File Transfer Wizard screen select the Customer option from the drop down list in the I Want to Transfer or Combine all data for a: Wizard Screen 2
  2. Select the SalesRep option from the drop down list in the To a different:field.
  3. Select the Proceed To Selection button.Wizard Screen 3
  4. You will notice that after selecting the Proceed To Selection button, the Customer field and the Sales Rep field have been activated in the Transfer Data From and Transfer Data To section of the screen.This screen is very similar to the regular File Transfer/Combine (1) screen, only it will take the guess work out of it by allowing you to only enter data into the fields that have been activated based on your selections in the upper portion of the screen.Wizard_Step4
  5. Enter the Customer Code or use the Search button to find the code.In this example we will use Adel’s Dist ADED00 location Cincinnati>CI.
  6. For the Sales Rep we will use BG for Bill Grey.
  7. Select the Proceed button.At this point the file transfer process will proceed as normal.Wizard_Step567

Tip #1312 – Using dynaMACS to analyze both your rep numbers and buy/resell numbers in one place

Many agencies operate as distributors for some of their lines. Using eSi you can import the distributor sales numbers into dynaMACS which will allow you to analyze your entire business in one place.

To achieve this you would first set up Manufacturer Type codes of BS (Buy/Resell) and CM (Commissions) and then relate each manufacturer record to the appropriate type. In the following example the manufacturer code LJm is classified as a Buy/Resell and is related to manufacturer LJM

Mfg Maint Screen

You can then filter in Sales IQ on the Typecode BS which will display all of your sales activity for this type code.

Filters Screen

The following example displays only the activity for the Manufacturer Type code B5.

SIQ Screen 1

The following example is the Sales IQ screen showing commission by manufacturers PLUS Buy/Resell on the same screen.

SIQ Screen 2

Check out our case studies on www.dynaMACS.com to read about our Buy/Resell client’s experiences using dynaMACS to analyze their entire business in one place.

Tip #1311 – How to Display Quarterly Numbers in Sales IQ

This tip is superseded by Tip #1508

In dynaMACS Sales IQ you can modify the display of data by changing the As-of and Year End dates to create a display of sales information for a specified period of time. The following examples explain how to achieve these results.

Example 1:

To create a Sales IQ list view displaying sales data for the 3rd quarter of the year 2012:

  1. From the Sales IQ Home screen select any tab. In this example we have selected the Manufacturers tab.
  2. Change the As-of date to the last month of the quarter you are reporting. In this case it will be September which is the last month of the 3rd quarter.Then select the year that applies.In this example we are selecting 2012.
  3. Change the Year End to the month prior to the start of the period you are reporting on. In this case it will be June since our quarter begins with July.
  4. Notice that these columns have changed to Jul-Sep12 and Jul-Sep 11 representing 3rd quarter data for 2012 and 2011.

SIQ Home Screen #1

Example 2:

To create a Sales IQ list view displaying sales data for the first half of the year 2012:

  1. From the Sales IQ Home screen select any tab.In this example we have selected the Manufacturers tab.
  2. Change the As-of date to the last month of the half you are reporting.In this case it will be June which is the last month of the 1st half of the year. Then select the year that applies.In this example we are selecting the year 2012.
  3. Change the Year End to the month prior to the start of the period you are reporting on.In this case it will be December since our first half begins with January.
  4. Notice that these columns have changed to Jan-Jun 12 and Jan-Jun 11 representing 2nd half data for 2012 and 2011.

SIQ Home Screen #2

Quick Reference Guide

The following is a quick reference guide to use for obtaining quarterly and semi-annual data.


Tip #1310 – Transferring history from one sales rep to another sales rep

In our Tip #1309 we talked about using the Global Update feature to update customer information. When using that feature to change sales reps, history records are not updated. This allows for multiple sales reps to have history under a single customer. However, many agencies DO want to have all prior sales history assigned to the new sales rep. By using the Update History to Current Rep feature, you can easily move the history from the old rep to the new rep. The following steps outline this process.

  1. To access the Update History to Current Rep feature, select File>File Transfer/Combine>Update History to Current Rep.Main Screen
  2. If you have not created a restore point prior to selecting the Update History to Current Rep <feature, you will be prompted to do so.SnapshotStep2_Warning
  3. After the Restore Point process is complete the Update History dialog box will appear. Enter the OLD sales rep code where the history resides.
  4. Select the Update button.Step3_Warning
  5. Select the Yes button on the Caution dialog box to continue.Caution
  6. The Update History dialog box will appear while the records are being updated. This dialog box will close when the update is complete.Update History Screen 2

Tip #1309 – Did you know that by using the dynaMACS Global Update Feature you can update multiple customer records with the click of a mouse?

The Customer Global Update feature in dynaMACS allows you to perform a simple global customer update by filtering on specific fields and replacing fields with a new value. You can update the following customer fields using this feature:


Example #1

In this example we will update the current sales rep for all customers in the State/Reg code of OH442 to a new sales rep JB (Jim Black).

  1. To access the Customer Global Update feature select Edit>File Transfer/Combine>Customer Global Update.Main Screen
  2. A Restore Point warning screen will appear. If you haven’t already done so, it is STRONGLY recommended that you create a restore point before continuing. Select the Yes button to create a restore point or select the No button to continue on with the changes.Snap Shot
  3. Enter OH442 in the State/Region field under the Customer Selection Criteria on the left hand side of the screen. This will find all of the customers with this state/region assigned to them.
  4. Enter the new rep code JB in the Sales Rep field under Fields to Change in Selected Customers to the right hand side of the screen.
  5. Select the Update button.Customer Global Update Screen 1
  6. Select the Preview button to preview the Customer Global Change Audit report or you can select the Printbutton for a hard copy of the report.Printing Options
  7. Verify the changes that will be taking place by reviewing the Customer Global Change Audit Trail.Audit Trail
  8. After reviewing the Customer Global Change Audit Trail, select the Yes button to continue and complete the changes.Verify Audit Trail

Example #2

Another example of the use of the Customer Global Update feature would be to make a city name in your customer database consistent by selecting a zip code and then changing the city name. For example, in the display below we have two customers in zip code 46800 which is Fort Wayne, IN. As you can see, one customer record has the city spelled Fort Wayne while the other is spelled Ft Wayne. The following explains how to globally change the city name for that zip code to Fort Wayne making the city name consistent for all customers in that zip code.

Customer Viewer

  1. From the Customer Global Change screen enter 46800 in the zip code field under Customer Selection Criteria.
  2. Enter Fort Wayne in the City field under Fields to Change in Selected Customers.Customer Global Update Screen 2
  3. Continue with the next steps as outlined in the previous Example #1 to complete the update.

Tip #1308 – The Importance of Creating a Restore Point

The dynaMACS Restore Point feature allows you to take a “snapshot” of your dynaMACS database that can be saved and used as a “backup” should you need to revert to a prior point in time.It is highly recommended that you create a Restore Point on a regular basis such as at the beginning of each day and also prior to performing any system utilities and transactions such as those listed below:

  • Posting Sessions – eSi, Sales Entry, Commission Reconciliation
  • Customer Global Updates
  • File Transfer/Combine
  • Performing any process in which you are unsure of the effect that it will have on your overall database.

Creating a Restore Point

Warning 1

  1. From the main dynaMACS screen select File>Create Restore PointMain Menu - Create Restore Pt
  2. In the Create Restore Point dialog box enter Description for your restore point i.e Posting Mfr LJM.
  3. Select the Proceed button.Create Restore Point - Proceed
  4. While the Create Restore Point is processing the dialog box will display the status as seen below. When the Create Restore Point is complete the dynaMACS main screen is displayed.Create Restore Point - Processing

Reverting to a Restore Point

  1. From the main dynaMACS screen select File>Revert to Restore PointMain Menu - Revert to Restore Pt
    Warning 2
  2. From the Revert to dynaMACS Restore Point dialog box select the desired restore point file.
  3. Choose the Select button.Select Restore Pt
  4. Select the Proceed button in the Revert to Restore Point dialog box to continue.Restore Snapshot - Proceed
  5. While the Revert to Restore Point is processing the dialog box will display the status as seen below. When the Revert to Restore Point is complete the dynaMACS main screen is displayed. Restore Snapshot - Process